Haste = ASF
- Increases the wizard’s movement speed.
- Found in the Chapter 1 tutorial. It’s located on the bookshelf before the moving wall section. The “Knife of Counter-Striking” which can be found in Chapter 5 gives a constant Haste effect).

Revive = WA
- Revives human players.
- This spell is given to you after the tutorial is completed.
- You will use this a lot in coop :P. Make sure you’re not wet when you try to cast this spell. You’ll do damage to yourself instead! When your teammate is revived they will start out with very little health so it’s not a bad idea to wait until the coast is clear or protect/heal your fellow wizard when you revive them.

Meteor Shower = FD FQ DF
- Conjures several meteors that hit random spots on the screen.
- Found in Chapter 1. Obtained at the end of the tutorial for users that received the Wizard Survival Kit DLC for purchasing the game before January 31, 2011.

Grease = QDW
- Covers the floor with slippery grease. Will burn when set on fire.
- Found in Chapter 1. Located at bottom of tower across the lake when you hear a scream. Freeze the lake to cross.

Rain = QQF
- Causes it to rain wetting anyone without a shield or water resistance.
- Found in Chapter 2. Located in the first cave, which is covered by goblins.
- A great combo is Personal Defense Shield (E then Mouse3), Rain, and then Thunderbolt or some kind of lightning spell. A cold spell would work well also. You need to be careful when casting this because if you forget to shield yourself or self-cast water resistance you will be unable to revive your teammates until you dry off.

Nullify = SE
- Removes status effects from the caster.
- Found in Chapter 2. Next to the alter where you fight the goblin shaman.
- I’ve found this is great for canceling out mines that you might accidently surround yourself with :P.

Thunder Bolt = QFASA
- Bolt of lightning does damage to the most elevated unit in front of the enemy.
- Found in Chapter 3.
Tornado = DQFQQF
- Summons large tornado that flings everyone nearby up in the air and causes damage.
- Found in Chapter 4. Located near the wrecked boat that’s off the main path when you get to the double doors of city.
Conflagration = FQFFQFFQ
- Heat wave which does 600 damage and sets things on fire.
- Found in Chapter 4. Inside one of the burning buildings you are forced to go through.
Time Warp = RE
- Slows down time for everyone.
- Found in Chapter 5. West of camp.
- This is great combined with Haste.
Blizzard =RRQR
- Summons a blizzard which chills everyone including the caster. Combine with rain to freeze.
- Found in Chapter 6. Across the small lake to the east at beginning of the chapter. Use chill to freeze the water.
- Cast chill resistance before casting Blizzard.
Teleport = ASA
- Teleports the caster a short distance to a safe location.
- Found in Chapter 7. On the broken walkway after being teleported by Vlad.
Thunderstorm = QFQFASA
- Cause it to rain and thunder with lightning striking random positions on the map.
- Find in Chapter 8. Just before the mines, after the first stone bridge (where you talk to Vlad) in a cave (hidden from view).
- Self-casting lightning resistance is a good idea.
Summon Phoenix = WAF
- Summons a phoenix at the casters location, dealing fire damage everyone nearby and revives all fallen wizards.
- Found in Chapter 8. Located at the end of a eastern path after fighting the waves of Goblins and Cave Trolls on a large bridge.
Raise Dead = QRDSR
- Summons undead ghouls to fight for the caster.
- Found in Chapter 9. After the necromancers in the run-down church.
Fear = RSE
- Nearby enemies are frightened, causing them to run away from the caster for about 4 seconds.
- Found in Chapter 9. Found on the bookshelf on the left side of the first room of the Count’s castle.
Charm = WED
- Targeted creature becomes your ally and attacks your enemies.
- Found in Chapter 9. Found in the first room of the Count’s castle on the right leaning on the wooden furniture next to the couches.
Summon Death = SRRQRS
- Summons death who instantly kills the nearest player/creature with the lowest amount of health.
- Found in Chapter 10. Given to to you after you defeat death.
Invisibility = SEQFS
- Caster becomes invisible and enemies will not actively try to attack them. Attacks will still hurt the caster if they hit them however. Effect will be gone after casting/attacking/taking damage/bumping into an enemy. (Reminds me of the cloak from TF2).
- Found in Chapter 11. After the first 3 Snow Trolls in the first area, head south along the cliff you find to the east instead of entering the fortress.
Summon Elemental = SEDQFS
- Summons an inactive elemental. To activate the elemental, simply attack it with any element. The elemental will take the form of whichever element touches it first, and will subsequently be healed by that same element.
- Found in Chapter 11. Found behind a door located northwest over the narrow bridge after defeating the small detachment of dwarves in the second room of the cathedral.
Corporealize = SQFAES
- Used when fighting Assatur. Also causes any ethereal daemons to materialize and become corporeal (Become physical).
- Found in Chapter 11. Given to you after defeating Fafnir.
- Summons a large vortex that sucks in and crushes anyone careless enough to wander close. The vortex will shrink and then vanish if nothing is sucked in.
- Found in Chapter 12. Given to you after defeating the final boss.
/Work in Progress/
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